Active and Healthy Ageing - NDPHS

Active and Healthy Ageing

People are living longer than ever before – it is an achievement worth triumphing over! Longer, healthy lives provide endless opportunities for self-realisation and societies at large. To make the most of our additional years, our cross-cutting work aims to improve the health and wellbeing of the ageing populations.


Latvia ©Reinis Hofmanis


The conditions in which we are born, grow, live, work and age influence how healthy we are at an old age. How we feel, think and act towards age and ageing can also either empower us to thrive or limit ourselves. Active and healthy ageing concerns all of us regardless of our age.

AgeFLAG is a flagship initiative of Policy Area ‘Health’ under the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. It aims to make our societies more inclusive for people of all ages. Our work is based on the principles of meeting regional challenges and co-creating actions with people.

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