History - NDPHS


  • Finland launched the initiative for the EU’s Northern Dimension policy that gradually developed into a multilateral and multifaceted partnership in the region.

  • Forum on the Northern Dimension in Social Protection and Health, held in Joensuu, Finland, at the invitation of the Prime Minister of Finland, established an International Temporary Working Group tasked to start preparing for the establishment of a partnership within the health and social sector.

  • Formal establishment of the NDPHS at a ministerial-level meeting in Oslo, Norway, and adoption of the Oslo Declaration.

  • Stockholm, Sweden. First meeting of the NDPHS Committee of Senior Representing, deciding on issues such as modes of work, financing and secretarial function of the Partnership.

  • NDPHS Secretariat commenced its work, formally hosted by the CBSS Secretariat, until its own legal capacity would be established. First version of the NDPHS website launched. NDPHS Expert Groups started to form.

  • Four NDPHS Expert Groups – on HIV/AIDS, Prison Health, Primary Health Care and Social Inclusion, Healthy Lifestyles and Work Ability -commenced their work

  • NDPHS became a Coordinator for Health priority sub-area in the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (later renamed to Policy Area “Health” and made a self-standing rather than a “sub” priority).

  • Reform of the NDPHS Expert Groups finalised, from 2010 until 2015 the Partnership operated through four Expert Groups (Alcohol and Substance Use, HIV/AIDS and Associated Infections, Non-Communicable Diseases related to Lifestyles and Social and Work Environments, Primary Health and Prison Health Systems) and four Task Groups (Alcohol and Drug Prevention among Youth, Antimicrobial Resistance, Occupational Safety and Health, and Indigenous Mental Health, Addictions and Parenting).

  • Agreement on the Establishment of the NDPHS Secretariat signed during the 8th Partnership Annual Conference at the ministerial level and entered into force the following year.

  • The NDPHS Secretariat started operating as an independent legal entity.

  • Another reform of the NDPHS expert-level structures took place and from 2015 the seven NDPHS Expert Groups are: Alcohol and Substance Use, Antimicrobial Resistance, HIV, TB and Associated Infections, Non-Communicable Diseases, Occupational Safety and Health, Primary Health Care and Prison Health.