Workshop: Transferring Social Innovations Across the Baltic Sea Region - NDPHS
24 September 2024
24 September 2024
Workshop: Transferring Social Innovations Across the Baltic Sea Region
09:00 (GMT+02:00)
Stockholm, Sweden
The NDPHS Secretariat

The Baltic Sea Region countries share similar public health challenges such as ageing populations and declining mental well-being. The countries have developed and adapted different means to address these challenges – both successful and unsuccessful. Transnational cooperation allows sharing experiences from different approaches, learning from each other, and using the knowledge gained from abroad to improve practices at home. However, the process of transferring social innovations to another context can be rocky because countries and health systems are organised, governed, and financed differently. What works in one place may not work identically in another.

The purpose of the workshop is to explore the conditions and mechanisms through which social innovations can be transferred from one country to another.

Agenda will be published closer to the date.

By the end of the workshop, the participants should have a deeper understanding of:

    • How can an innovation be transferred to a new context?
    • How transnational collaboration can be approached to enable the transfer of promising practices across borders and between sectors?
    • What are the most important elements for successful innovation transfer?

The workshop will bring together three NDPHS and PA Health in the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region ongoing projects under the theme of “Sustainable Working Life”, namely:

Economy of Well-being of People, aiming to foster cross-sectoral collaboration for advocating the concept of the economy of well-being.

MentalHealthMatters seeks to increase the resilience of the workforce by tackling psychosocial risks and building psychosocial resources in workplaces.

Solutions for Age-Friendly Employers tackles ageism in workplaces and will provide employers with a general framework for age-friendly practices.

NDPHS Secretariat
Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 23
118 50, Stockholm

The workshop is the final event for the Swedish Institute – funded project Economy of Well-being of People, showcasing the methodology prepared during the project.

Economy of Wellbeing project coordinators:

Economy of Wellbeing project partners:

PA Health receives financial support from the Interreg Baltic Sea Region and is co-funded by the European Union