Home - NDPHS

Our Priorities

NDPHS aims to support cooperation and coordination to provide an inclusive cross-sectoral platform for health advocacy in two major fields

Disease prevention

Health promotion and prevention of communicable and lifestyle related
non-communicable diseases
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Nida, Lithuania ©Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Social well-being

Sustainable and inclusive societies with equal opportunities for good health and wellbeing for all throughout the life course
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Oslo, Norway © Foap - VisitNorway.com


“Solutions for Age-Friendly Employer” (SAFE) project enters the phase of co-creation with employees and employers
On September 25th, partners from the SAFE project financed by Interreg Central Baltic gathered at the NDPHS Secretariat office in Stockholm. The project is actively progressing and we have begun working on composing solutions for age-friendly organizations. This time we met in person to ensure a shared understanding of how to carry out the workshops and to gather input for the self-assessment tool.
22 October, 2024
Nordic-Baltic countries and Ukraine public health experts meet in Stockholm to explore social innovation transfer
Public health experts from Germany, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and Ukraine recently came together for a workshop focused on exploring framework conditions for social innovation transfer. Organized by the NDPHS Secretariat, the “Transferability Workshop” aimed to identify successful public health interventions in the Baltic Sea region that could be adapted and implemented in other countries facing similar challenges.
14 October, 2024
Interreg Cooperation day 2024
To celebrate our network and project community and to showcase how cross-border and transnational work promote unity and progress, we join Interreg Cooperation Day 2024 with a week full of events. With the support from Interreg, we can make boundaries irrelevant in our daily lives and build inclusive communities with an aim to improve the health and well-being of all.
20 September, 2024
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“Changing Patterns in Alcohol Consumption in the Nordic Countries” – Tune in Health

What are the challenges within alcohol use prevention work in the region and what opportunities a transnational collaboration can bring? In this episode we discuss changes in alcohol consumption patterns in our region and the most effective policy options to reduce health and economic harms from it. Episode’s expert guest is Håkan Leifman from Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.

3 February, 2023
“Ageism and Different Narratives of Ageing” – Tune in Health

What is ageism? What are the leading factors on the change in how we see and feel about ageing and ageing populations? Can a person have SELF-ageism? In this episode we are getting to know what is meant by ageism and how the narratives could be changed for a more positive look on ageing. Episode’s expert guest is Tiina Tambaum, a well published spokesperson in Estonia on the topics of healthy ageing and educational gerontology. Tiina is a research fellow at the Estonian Institute for Population Studies, Tallinn University and she teaches Educational Gerontology at the Institute of Educational Sciences.

31 October, 2022
“How Can the Economy of Well-being Lead to Resilient Communities and Societies?” – Tune in Health

How are we doing as individuals, communities and as nations, and how sustainable is that for the future? In this conversation, we discuss the Economy of Well-being that puts people and their wellbeing at the centre of policy and decision-making. We start with Finland – one of the frontrunners of implementing the Economy of Well-being. The guest expert is Anni Marttinen, Chief Economist at SOSTE – Finnish Social Welfare and Health Association.

6 October, 2022
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NDPHS provides a platform for expert-level cooperation of partner countries, the European Commission and international organisations with the aim of leading the way to sustainable and inclusive societies with equal opportunities for good health and wellbeing.

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Partnership Annual Conference in Stockholm, Sweden 2024 ©Swedish Government Offices


On 1 January 2024, Lithuania took over the NDPHS Chairmanship with Norway as a Co-Chair.

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Vilnius, Lithuania ⓒReza Bina, Unsplash


Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 23
118 50 Stockholm

Phone +46 8 400 20 600
E-mail: secretariat@ndphs.org

The NDPHS Secretariat provides comprehensive support to the Partnership, implements its own activities and projects that support the mission of the Partnership, and is the main contact point of the Partnership.

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