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Knowledge & Resources:
Alcohol and substance use

“Changing Patterns in Alcohol Consumption in the Nordic Countries” – Tune in Health

What are the challenges within alcohol use prevention work in the region and what opportunities a transnational collaboration can bring? In this episode we discuss changes in alcohol consumption patterns in our region and the most effective policy options to reduce health and economic harms from it. Episode’s expert guest is HÃ¥kan Leifman from Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.

Keywords: Alcohol use, ASA EG, Sweden, Podcast, Harmful alcohol use, Regional needs

The hidden problem: reduce older adults’ harmful alcohol consumption

Drinking alcohol at an older age has become a progressively prevalent cultural practice. Heavy episodic drinking is in the rise and hazardous drinking resulting in hospitalisation or death have increased. This policy brief presents five knowledge-based policy recommendations to prevent and care for older people with harmful alcohol consumption patterns.

Keywords: Active and healthy ageing, AgeFLAG, Alcohol use, Health and social care, Older adults

The prevalence of psychoactive substance use among acutely hospitalised patients in Oslo and Moscow – a cross-sectional, observational study

The use of psychoactive prescription medication is increasing in the general population, which is a cause of concern particularly among older people. The manuscript published in BMJ Open presents the findings of a blood sample analysis that determined the frequency of psychoactive substance use among acutely hospitalised patients. The Expert Group on Alcohol and Substance Use has contributed to the study.

Keywords: Psychoactive substance use, Oslo, Moscow, Hospitals, Blood sample analysis, ASA EG

Three perspectives on alcohol consumption and older adults

The research review reports key results from three studies applying three different perspectives on alcohol and substance use in older adults. It condenses the experience of the three studies, covering drinking patterns, client profiles in healthcare settings and challenges to home care, into lessons learned.

Keywords: AgeFLAG, Alcohol use, Older adults, Active and healthy ageing, Health and social care

Predictors of tobacco smoking among acutely ill patients in a Moscow hospital: a cross-sectional study

Tobacco smoking is a major preventable risk for non-communicable diseases. The manuscript published in Tobacco Prevention and Cessation investigates predictors of tobacco smoking among acutely ill patients admitted to a Moscow hospital, and the association between smoking and alcohol use. The Expert Group on Alcohol and Substance Use has contributed to the study.

Keywords: Tobacco, Smoking, Harmful alcohol use, Hospitals, Moscow, ASA EG

Harmful alcohol use among acutely ill hospitalised medical patients in Oslo and Moscow: A cross-sectional study

The manuscript published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence estimates the prevalence of harmful alcohol use in relation to socio-demographic characteristics among acutely ill medical patients, and examines identification measures of alcohol use. The Expert Group on Alcohol and Substance Use has contributed to the study.

Keywords: Harmful alcohol use, Oslo, Moscow, Hospitals, ASA EG