Resource - NDPHS

Knowledge & Resources:
Active and healthy ageing

Arts on Prescription (AoP) Programme Concept for the Baltic Sea Region

The publication outlines the aims, tasks, structure, and target groups of the Interreg project “Arts on Prescription in the Baltic Sea Region 2023-2025”.

Keywords: Arts and health, Mental health

Museum on prescription – Arts on Prescription pilot programme in Latvia

The Arts on Prescription (AoP) concept is that people dealing with mild to moderate mental health problems such as stress, anxiety or depression as well as those at risk of developing such conditions get a prescription not for medicine or therapy, but for taking part in art activities. This has been proven to have positive health effects and to improve mental well-being.

This video presents museums as places to improve the mental health and well-being of local communities – a good practice from Cēsis, Latvia. The pilot programme is a part of our project “Arts on Prescription in the Baltic Sea Region” co-funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme. For more information visit:…

Latvian with English subtitles.

Keywords: Arts and health, Well-being, Mental health, Health in All Policies

Arts on Prescription (AoP) Project Glossary

The glossary outlines the Arts on Prescription in the Baltic Sea Region project’s organisation, the AoP model, and its meaning and related definitions.

The project „Arts on Prescription in the Baltic Sea Region” (2023-2025) is co-funded by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) in the frame of the Interreg Balticc Sea Region Programme.

Keywords: Arts and health, Mental health

AgeFLAG: Roadmap to improve the health and wellbeing of the ageing population

The Roadmap produced through the AgeFLAG seed money project presents the first practical actions towards establishing the NDPHS as a thought leader on active and healthy ageing. The presented activities contribute to the flagship process on active and healthy ageing of Policy Area Health within the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region.

Keywords: AgeFLAG, Active and healthy ageing, Ageing population, PA Health, EUSBSR, Ageism

Looking back at the Baltic Sea Youth Declaration 2020. Follow-up on recommendations to PA Health

The report on the follow-up of the Baltic Sea Youth Declaration 2020 lists the recommendations given to the PA Health in the EUSBSR and how the NDPHS as a PA Health coordinator has acted on them. The document lists concrete actions that have been achieved so far and what are the future plans and commitments of the PA Health in order to amplify the voices of young people in our region.

Keywords: Active and healthy ageing, PA Health, Economy of well-being, Mental health, EUSBSR

“Ageism and Different Narratives of Ageing” – Tune in Health

What is ageism? What are the leading factors on the change in how we see and feel about ageing and ageing populations? Can a person have SELF-ageism? In this episode we are getting to know what is meant by ageism and how the narratives could be changed for a more positive look on ageing. Episode’s expert guest is Tiina Tambaum, a well published spokesperson in Estonia on the topics of healthy ageing and educational gerontology. Tiina is a research fellow at the Estonian Institute for Population Studies, Tallinn University and she teaches Educational Gerontology at the Institute of Educational Sciences.

Keywords: Active and healthy ageing, Ageing population, Ageism, Podcast, Conversation

Joint report on national needs and priorities to improve health and wellbeing of the ageing population in the Baltic Sea Region

The joint regional needs assessment report presents the four regional priorities for further action to improve health and wellbeing of the ageing population. The report is produced within the context of the AgeFLAG project as an input for the roadmap for regional action based on the priorities identified in national needs assessments.

Keywords: Regional needs, AgeFLAG, Active and healthy ageing, Labour participation, Integrated care, Lifelong learning, PA Health, EUSBSR

Conference highlights “Connecting minds across the ages” 23 November 2021

The highlights from the online conference Connecting minds across the ages, discussing ageism, intergenerational contacts and inclusivity in service design and policymaking. The conference was organised as a Side Event to the Partnership Annual Conference 2021.

Keywords: AgeFLAG, Active and healthy ageing, Inclusivity, Ageism, Public attitudes, Intergenerational contacts

AgeFLAG Policy Lab: Outcomes

An AgeFLAG workshop named “Policy Lab”, organised in February 2021, brought together regional health experts to co-create future NDPHS activities to promote active and healthy ageing. This report presents the outcomes of the policy lab and presents an input for the regional roadmap to guide the NDPHS work on ageing.

Keywords: Regional needs, AgeFLAG, Active and healthy ageing, Labour participation, Integrated care, Lifelong learning, PA Health, EUSBSR

Conference recording “Connecting minds across the ages” 23 November 2021

The online conference Connecting minds across the ages asked: why is age-based discrimination and prejudice so widespread and how do we overcome it? The conference was organised as a Side Event to the Partnership Annual Conference 2021.

Keywords: AgeFLAG, Active and healthy ageing, Inclusivity, Ageism, Public attitudes, Intergenerational contacts

AgeFLAG Policy Lab 2: Outcomes

The second AgeFLAG workshop was organised in September 2021 to discuss and co-create potential NDPHS actions to promote active and healthy ageing. The workshop focused on integrated care, labour participation, and life-long learning. This report presents the outcomes of the policy lab and input to the regional roadmap to guide the NDPHS work on ageing.

Keywords: Regional needs, AgeFLAG, Active and healthy ageing, Labour participation, Integrated care, Lifelong learning, PA Health, EUSBSR

The hidden problem: reduce older adults’ harmful alcohol consumption

Drinking alcohol at an older age has become a progressively prevalent cultural practice. Heavy episodic drinking is in the rise and hazardous drinking resulting in hospitalisation or death have increased. This policy brief presents five knowledge-based policy recommendations to prevent and care for older people with harmful alcohol consumption patterns.

Keywords: Active and healthy ageing, AgeFLAG, Alcohol use, Health and social care, Older adults

Multimorbidity and ageing in the countries of the Northern Dimension area

The policy brief presents the facts on the ageing and multimordibity in Northern Europe and the Baltic Sea Region, explores the problems, challenges and opportunities, and provides a set of actionable recommendaitons for the different groups of stakeholders, from the policymakers to the general public. The document is a result of an online conference Multimorbidity and Ageing in the Northern Dimension Area held on 23 September 2020.

Keywords: Active and healthy ageing, Chronic diseases, COVID-19, eHealth, Integrated care, Multimorbidity, Older adults, Primary health care

Three perspectives on alcohol consumption and older adults

The research review reports key results from three studies applying three different perspectives on alcohol and substance use in older adults. It condenses the experience of the three studies, covering drinking patterns, client profiles in healthcare settings and challenges to home care, into lessons learned.

Keywords: AgeFLAG, Alcohol use, Older adults, Active and healthy ageing, Health and social care

National needs and priorities to improve health and wellbeing of the ageing population in Poland

The Polish national needs assessment report presents the five national priorities for promoting active and healthy ageing. This report has been developed in connection to AgeFLAG -project and as input to the regional roadmap to guide NDPHS work on ageing.

Keywords: National needs, Poland, AgeFLAG, Active and healthy ageing, Labour participation, Integrated care, Lifelong learning, PA Health, EUSBSR

National needs and priorities to improve health and wellbeing of the ageing population in Estonia

The Estonian national needs assessment report presents the five national priorities for promoting active and healthy ageing. This report has been developed in connection to AgeFLAG -project and as input to the regional roadmap to guide NDPHS work on ageing.

Keywords: National needs, Estonia, AgeFLAG, Active and healthy ageing, Labour participation, Integrated care, Lifelong learning, PA Health, EUSBSR

National needs and priorities to improve health and wellbeing of the ageing population in Finland

The Finnish national needs assessment report presents the five national priorities for promoting active and healthy ageing. This report has been developed in connection to AgeFLAG -project and as input to the regional roadmap to guide NDPHS work on ageing.

Keywords: National needs, Finland, AgeFLAG, Active and healthy ageing, Labour participation, Integrated care, Lifelong learning, PA Health, EUSBSR

National needs and priorities to improve health and wellbeing of the ageing population in Latvia

The Latvian national needs assessment report presents the five national priorities for promoting active and healthy ageing. This report has been developed in connection to AgeFLAG -project and as input to the regional roadmap to guide NDPHS work on ageing.

Keywords: National needs, Latvia, AgeFLAG, Active and healthy ageing, Labour participation, Integrated care, Lifelong learning, PA Health, EUSBSR

National needs and priorities to improve health and wellbeing of the ageing population in Lithuania

The Lithuanian national needs assessment report presents the five national priorities for promoting active and healthy ageing. This report has been developed in connection to AgeFLAG -project and as input to the regional roadmap to guide NDPHS work on ageing.

Keywords: National needs, Lithuania, AgeFLAG, Active and healthy ageing, Labour participation, Integrated care, Lifelong learning, PA Health, EUSBSR

National needs and priorities to improve health and wellbeing of the ageing population in Russia

The Russian national needs assessment report presents the five national priorities for promoting active and healthy ageing. This report has been developed in connection to AgeFLAG -project and as input to the regional roadmap to guide NDPHS work on ageing.

Keywords: National needs, Russia, AgeFLAG, Active and healthy ageing, Labour participation, Integrated care, Lifelong learning, PA Health, EUSBSR

National needs and priorities to improve health and wellbeing of the ageing population in Sweden

The Swedish national needs assessment report presents the five national priorities for promoting active and healthy ageing. This report has been developed in connection to AgeFLAG -project and as input to the regional roadmap to guide NDPHS work on ageing.

Keywords: National needs, Sweden, AgeFLAG, Active and healthy ageing, Labour participation, Integrated care, Lifelong learning, PA Health, EUSBSR